Sunday, November 30, 2014

RZD Pererva halt at Kursk line, Moscow

RZD Pererva halt at Kursk line, Moscow

Steam locomotives shunting in depot Podmoskovnaya

Depot Podmoskovnaya located in Moscow, at Riga direction. Station Podmoskovnaya have two separated depots: new EMU part, opened in november 2014 - for futurer MKZD railway service, and old part for steam locomotives.
Regular tourist steam trains established in Moscow since 2006, and Podmoskovnaya depot was changed fully for stream locomotives: the cantenary and diesel shunters was removed, modern buildings younger than 50 years ago was demolished.
The timetable for steam tourist trains is anavible at RZD-TOUR company:
Also there is a every day local freight train with a steam locomotive for Manikhino station - for traing purposes.

Депо Подмосковная находится в Москве, на Рижском направлении. Сейчас на станции Подмосковная 2 отдельных депо: новое депо для электропоездов МКЖД, сданное в ноябре 2014, и старое паровозное.
Регулярные ретро-поезда под паровой тягой появились в Москве в 2006 году. Депо Подмосковная было полностью отдано под паровозы. В 2014 году из него снята контактная сеть, снесены здания моложе 50 лет.
Расписание ретро-поездов доступно на сайте компании РЖД-ТУР:

Depot is easy available for see.
_20141129_157 1.P36-0120 at shunting. 9P-19499 _20141129_175 3.9P-19499 at shunting. This locomotive was completly restored from scrap metal condition in 2014. 9P-19499 _20141129_178 4. 9P-19499    9P-19499 _20141129_1805. 9P-194999P-19499 _20141129_181 6. 9P-19499_20141129_191 7. 9P-19499_20141129_328 8. P36-0120 - most modern passenger steam locomotive of SZD._20141129_352 9. _20141129_363 10. _20141129_378 11. _20141129_407 12. _20141129_414 13. _20141129_432 14. _20141129_480 15.Abandoned L-5231, not operated after breakedown,